A sports production eBook is a game changer
Video streaming solutions can be setup within minutes of receiving the hardware by simply entering each devices unique identification number into the cloud-based hosting software which handles the production and distribution aspect of the solution. However, while setting up the solution is easy, thinking about the best way to cover each sports event may be more of a challenge and it is important to know all the options a production team have to cover it effectively.
No matter the sports event a production team has to cover a whole range of options for providing the very best content; this is where a sports production guide that is easy to refer to is useful and on-hand for any production team. These guides allow not just an individual to get an idea of what is needed but also allow others in the production team and event managers know how things will be covered. This can be useful for teams that are not used to working together, work remotely or switch between sports. Through knowing what everyone is doing helps event managers to ensure coverage is not interrupted by better informed staff or attendees.
Video streaming in a sports environment
What’s different about video streaming solutions that are fully integrated, modular and scalable is that you have everything at hand to produce professional results for a relatively low budget and increase equipment as you need it. Fundamentally video streaming solutions are is the cloud-based software that ties it all together and hosts the content worldwide. Within just a few minutes of initial setting up of the businesses account you can enter in the unique id of each machine you will use to link it to the software. Not only does this allow you to control cameras remotely form a camera control unit but also to add more cameras as you scale operations. It could be that you have cameras at the corners or sides of a game yet do not have enough camera operators to use them; in which case a PTZ or robotic camera comes in handy. These can all be monitored and switched to by the CCU operator enabling more angles to the game with less production overheads.
Why are sports so difficult to cover effectively?
A sports production eBook is needed by all sports production crews for helpful tips on how to cover events in an interesting manner. Some require long shorts, quick autofocus, different focal distances needing to be covered, while others may require camera switching during idol periods during gameplay.
If a camera is covering a tennis game from the back of a player and needs to keep the ball in focus how may this be effectively achieved? A fast autofocus on the camera, the correct lens and corresponding focal distances will be required to work with the distance of the tennis court. The more interesting something appears the longer the viewer will watch and the funding from sponsors and affiliates and deciding the correct usage of cameras is fundamental in achieving this.
A camera has more than one autofocus and selecting the incorrect one for the situation will lead to consistent blurring of the actual subject matter making the coverage unwatchable. No matter what the production team is covering by ensuring a sports production guide is at hand and well read by the entire team can mitigate problematic production errors; in sports there is only one chance to cover it. Ideally a production team should try out all methods whenever possible before an event to get used to what’s possible with the technology they have access to as well as offering background knowledge of what future investments could be made to improve the production in future.